The Good Ol' Blades Podcast

Episode 51 - One Hand Washes The Other - Matt Martin

Aaron Lawvere Season 2 Episode 51

The world of knives has taken me down a lot of rabbit holes, which I just consider paths to a destination I'm not aware of yet.

On the road to understanding the universe, I stumbled into Matt Martin, knife maker at Vehement Knives.

I've had Matt on the podcast before, but in a much earlier stage, where I think he was just doing me favor to help give the show street cred, but it turned into great conversation, a deeper understanding of him, and I'm eternally thankful.

He's been a constant companion to me as I figure out how I want to heighten the experience of the podcast, and his critiques have helped make the show what it is.

Like layers of an onion, on the exterior, you may see a pierced and tatted dude who is unapproachable, but if you spend a little bit of time to deconstruct him, you'll realize he's animated, full of life, and has a big heart. If you're willing to go the extra mile, you'll see the true gem he is, and the deep thinking that drives his push of the craft.

I can't even say that Matt and I are peers, his skill and attention to detail is immaculate, and I admire everything he does. We're friends, which is more important to me, and I get to sit down and talk to him about a lot of esoteric topics within knives, staying motivated, thinking creatively, and discussing some of the many plagues that afflict the knife making industry, on this episode.

You can find Matt's work through Vehement Knives on his Website, Facebook, and Instagram.

Text me your feedback, suggestions or recommendations!

Aaron Lawvere: Website, Instagram
Podcast: Instagram

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